Lunes, Mayo 28, 2018

Glutathione Deficiency: Negative effects, and its possible symptoms

Glutathione deficiency occurs when your body is unable to produce enough glutathione to cover all the functions which this master antioxidant performs.
Decreased glutathione levels are usually the result of a lifestyle that is characterized by the many factors that deplete glutathione.

Glutathione deficiency leads to:
  • increased oxidative stress
  • greatly reduced ability to detoxify
  • accumulation of toxins and heavy metals
  • inability to repair DNA
  • cell mutations
  • weakened cell membranes
  • reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells
  • eventual cell death

These processes directly affect the state of the immune system and often become the main cause of the onset of the disease, or its progression, severity, and response (or, rather, the lack of it) to treatments.

Low glutathione also means that the prescribed treatments, instead of helping, may actually aggravate the condition since drugs cause further decline in glutathione levels. For example, it has been documented scientifically that glutathione levels can predict how long HIV patients are able to survive, or how well and with what side effects cancer patients can tolerate chemotherapy and radiation.

Research has shown that almost all chronic conditions are characterized by glutathione deficiency: HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, asthma, all cancers, cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma (open angle only), chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, all diseases of liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and digestive system, fibromyalgia, flu and colds, peripheral neuropathy, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, skin disorders, seizures, tumors, and more, as well as non-chronic conditions, such as burns, physical trauma and any type of surgery.

Only people with serious chronic conditions and those undergoing harsh treatments are severely deficient in glutathione. They respond quickly and positively to even minimal increases in glutathione levels.

People who consider themselves to be in good health may not necessarily be glutathione deficient but may still have declining glutathione levels. The main reason for that is age first of all, because glutathione production in cells declines naturally at an average rate of 10% per decade after age 20. Secondly, on a daily basis we all are exposed to environmental pollution, exhaust fumes, smoke, viruses and do not always eat nutritious homemade meals with recommended 7-9 servings of organic vegetables and fruit a day.

Such a lifestyle eventually leads to a certain degree of glutathione deficiency.

The symptoms may include:
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • weakness/lack of energy
  • brain “fog”
  • joint pain
  • rashes
  • dry skin
  • sleep disorders
  • depression
  • frequent colds
  • onset of a more serious health condition

To prevent Glutathione Deficiency, there is a Glutathione supplement that accelerates glutathione production inside our body, to know more about it, kindly visit the website

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